Springfield, Illinois


Toronado and Aurora Chapter Meeting

OCA Nationals, Springfield, IL – July 26, 2013

The annual Membership Meeting of The Toronado and Aurora Chapter convened at 4:00 PM in the Governor’s Room of the Crowne Plaza Hotel. As in the past, this informal meeting started with “Meet and Greet” introductions of all attendees.

Minutes of last year’s meeting in Des Moines, IA, were read with no additions or corrections.

Since last year, our treasury has seen growth from approximately $1300, to a current balance of $1529. Our major intake of funds continues to be from memberships, and basically our only expense is printing and mailing our newsletter. Our improved financial status is the result of changing to smaller mailing envelopes which eliminates the oversize postage “surcharge.”

A letter from Trent Plungas, editor, was read. He particularly thanks the various individuals who make his life easier with contributions for our Toro and Aurora Times newsletter; those personal contributions also make for a more diverse and interesting publication. At the same time, he continues to ask for new ideas for newsletter content, as well as more contributions, be it car show attendance, technical info, restoration reports, etc.

There was no Old Business to be discussed, other than to report that Trent is still working on digital format and eMailing the newsletter. The only New Business was the reminder that Oldsmar will be celebrating its 100th Anniversary in 2016, and this might be a special event to try to attend.

Next, during a period of open discussion, there was sharing of information on various subjects – fuel economy, gasohol “problems” (do NOT use higher than 10% ethanol), worthwhile museums (Studebaker, Auburn-Cord-Deusenberg, Gilmore, RE Olds to name a few), etc.

The Meeting concluded at approximately 4:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul Andreas, Secretary-Treasurer